Noyce Scholars

We are actively recruiting USC junior and senior mathematics and science majors that are intending to gain high school certification in mathematics or science through USC’s MT program.  Students can receive funding for up to three years (junior, senior, and MT year).  We also are able to fund a limited number of students in the second year of the MAT science or mathematics program who intend on becoming high school mathematics or science teachers and are willing to teach in high-needs schools.  Noyce scholars earn $11,500 each year of scholarship funding (MAT students are only eligible for 1 year of funding). All scholars must teach for a minimum of 2 years in a high need school district for every year of funding they receive. 

Noyce Fellows

The USC Noyce Master Teacher Fellows program is a 5-year (2014-2019) National Science Foundation funded project that works to create and retain rural teacher leaders in high need science and mathematics classrooms.  Our program has recruited 20 master teachers, 10 science and 10 mathematics, who teach in South Carolina high need rural middle and high schools.  Through our program, the participating teachers have taken 15 hours of science/math content coursework as well as a course in rural pedagogy and a course in reading foundations.  In year 4, the teachers are working on earning their National Board Certification and planning a summer training for science and mathematics teachers from their rural districts. In year 5, our teachers will be trained as instructional coaches so that they can continue to work as instructional leaders within their schools and districts.